
New physics material will soon be posted here as well as new lab report or IA marking and writing information from the IB.


Here is a link to an excellent website hosted by Fiona Clark, a PVEC teacher, who has a wealth of experience teaching science classes and IB courses. The site includes notes pages, links, chemistry webquests, and a variety of other resources for new and experienced teachers. The featured webquests would be a good way of finding additional IA hours outside of the lab for chemistry students and the activities look interesting and educational.

The screenshot above is from Savita Pall's website for IB chemistry.


ICT and IB Biology and IB Ecosystems and Societies

A link for general resources such as data logging and data processing is in the ICT box to the right. The data logging includes specific labs such as enzyme labs using T1 graphing calculator, lab pro interface, and a light probe.


The Arcytech link provides a simple predator-prey simulation with squirrels, hawks, and habitat. The simulation worked well as a review activity with Grade 10 pre-IB classes.

The Explore Learning site with simulations, or gizmos, for teachers can provide a year long set of simulations or you may use the trial period to complete a single activity. Several teachers at my school have used a variety of the simulations and found them to be useful.

The site biointeractive offers a list of resources some of which are simulations. These sites have not been tested.

Sending student work for moderation and IB marking

Submitting Student Work for Moderation

Sample Format 1

One folder containing all the lab instructions, written and verbal, for the labs sent for moderation. This includes the 4 PSOWs for each student and the Form 4 IA Cover Sheet from the IB.

One folder per student. Each folder contains the PSOW for the student and for each lab there is the teacher's marking sheet with marks and comments, the student lab with comments, and each appropriate section, such as Design, tabbed so that the moderator may quickly find the section.

As available.

Sample Teacher Feedback Forms and IB Final Mark Information

Teacher Feedback for Group 4

Student marks and moderation for IA, exam, and extended essays for Group 4
-Student IA teacher marks and moderated marks 2005 and 2006
-Full IB feedback for IA, exam, and extended essays 2006
-Predicted grades and full IB feedback for IA and exam 2007