Submitting Student Work for Moderation
Sample Format 1
One folder containing all the lab instructions, written and verbal, for the labs sent for moderation. This includes the 4 PSOWs for each student and the Form 4 IA Cover Sheet from the IB.
One folder per student. Each folder contains the PSOW for the student and for each lab there is the teacher's marking sheet with marks and comments, the student lab with comments, and each appropriate section, such as Design, tabbed so that the moderator may quickly find the section.
As available.
Sample Teacher Feedback Forms and IB Final Mark Information
Teacher Feedback for Group 4
Student marks and moderation for IA, exam, and extended essays for Group 4
-Student IA teacher marks and moderated marks 2005 and 2006
-Full IB feedback for IA, exam, and extended essays 2006
-Predicted grades and full IB feedback for IA and exam 2007